“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” Wayne Dyer
How do you respond to challenging events that block what you want? When you feel overwhelmed, how do you manage to move forward? How do you know what the next step is?
It seems that some months flow by so smoothly that it is hard to remember they were here, like a river rapidly flowing unimpeded over the rocks. Other months seem to attract problems like obstacles and debris that become caught between the rocks of the river, blocking the flow of life and creating barriers to progress. August was like that, full of distractions and problems to be solved that stole precious hours from my writing time and time with loved ones.
When We Are Stressed With Problems, Take One Step At A Time
Because more powerful cell towers were being built where I live that would give me better service, I had to trade in my old phone for a new one. I did that, except the new phone did not work well. It had less coverage, and I spent hours trying to work out the problems. In addition, problems with medical and dental insurance plans arose. Then, one side of the yard had to be dug up in order to replace a drainage pipe. The seeding that was done afterwards was terribly inadequate, and we discovered that area, once covered with English Ivy, had an underground spring that had surfaced due to the excessive rains we’ve had.
So how do we negotiate the rocks and debris that appear unexpectedly in our paths? I felt overwhelmed and anxious most of the month and often had to remember to breathe deeply. I had to remind myself that when I’m hiking and have to cross a stream there is only one way to do it—one step at a time. I place a foot on a rock with a little weight to test how stable it is. Then I step to put my whole weight onto it.
The Best Choice Is The Heart Choice
So with all these unexpected problems appearing, I had to constantly stop and consider what would be the best way to proceed in each case. I had to explore and research to understand the choices and sometimes the best choice wasn’t obvious. Over time, I’ve learned that when I am ready to make a choice, it is best to turn inward and ask what feels right in my heart because my mind often holds on to comfortable, old ideas that may not serve me well.
Clearing away the debris and blockage in life requires us to let go of what is no longer of value and be open to something new. We become attached to ideas, people and things, and it is especially difficult to let go of them when they have been meaningful or useful to us. When we find ourselves resisting, it is important to take the time to explore what we feel we will lose if we let go.
We May Need To Do Mental Spring Cleaning
We often need to do some mental spring cleaning. Growing up, spring cleaning was the time we cleared out old clothes or toys from the closet—sometimes reluctantly, cleaned the windows and inside the kitchen cabinets, and waxed the hardwood floors. We made space for new things, gave order to the disorder, and found that looking through clean windows always made the world brighter.
When we feel blocked in moving forward, it’s a good time to stop and think, “Why am I afraid to let go of the things I no longer need?” Even if we don’t like where we are, it feels more secure than stepping into the unknown, or we may be afraid we will make the wrong choice. When our minds are cluttered with too many possibilities, it is also difficult to truly focus and see clearly the pros and cons of each choice.
Quiet May Bring Us Peace
However, when we are in meditation or in a quiet moment, all seems well. We can just be. We can choose not to resist. We can be the observers of our own lives, and may be able to see how the blocks that have appeared have led us to better situations. We remember the peacefulness of flowing with the breath. We can let go of our fear and know that if we are in touch with our inner selves, the solutions to problems will appear as we explore the possibilities. We will be guided to the best choices and the next step.
Challenges May Lead To Better Solutions
Not all the challenges that arose last month have been solved the way I expected, but the ones that have been solved led to something better. Because I had been given inaccurate information about the phone and cell tower activation, I was given a nice credit and an opportunity to choose a new phone of my choice. I found a better insurance policy at a much better rate. As for the yard, there’s still work to be done, but if the yard hadn’t been dug up to fix the drain pipe, I would never have had the ivy in that area removed, and I’m so glad it’s gone and will be replaced with grass.
This is all a reminder that when we trust the flow of life even the difficulties tend to lead us to something better. The next step may not be what we expected, but that could be a good thing. It’s all in how we look at it.
Have you changed your way of looking at an event or person lately? Please Comment.
Related Articles: Change Your Thinking (Wayne Dyer Video Interview), Trust Is Shorthand for Going with the Flow (Marianne Williamson), How to Develop a Deep Trust in Life, Letting Go of Your Old Ideas
© 2013 Georganne Spruce ZQT4PQ5ZN7F5
Tagged: #WPLongform, Accepting Change, Awakening, Going Deeper, Inner Peace, Letting Go, Problem Solving, Silence, Spirituality